: This was the morning after the night before, a couple of days ago. I’m so asynchronous! Fresh …

: This looks great. And similar to approx 97% of my dreams. www.youtube.com/watch

: People need to be told “yes! that sounds great! we can do that!” (the thing …

: Web Hosting Blues I registered my first domain in July 2001 with the same company that my father was using (for …

: example: dynamicland.org (not a ‘little thing’) “These web pages are designed to …

: Don’t you ever: a) stop being dandy, showing me you’re handsome… (obvs) but also …

: Dear fellow coffee shop patron, I understand that taking your son to college for his first day can …

: Today is one of those days when I’m glad not to be reading LinkedIn posts.

: Slow Horses S4 off to a promising start. And I’ve only got as far as as the opening titles!

: Ambient presence is one of the things the algorithmic feeds have robbed us of

: I enjoyed most of the first season of Sherwood, while shaking my head at some of the violence. S2E1 …

: A really annoying friction in interop between all these microblogging platforms is inconsistent …

: This week, I realised that I’d been talked about, pseudonymously, in an academic paper. …

: Woman on train to her small child: Ooh look! You can see that lady’s knickers, her skirt is so …

: A very tempting bargain. The fact that this is in a charity shop in Jeremy Hunt’s constituency is …

: At the age of fifty-nine and two-thirds it’s time to take action on a pension provided by an …

: My favourite kind of day. A couple of hours on trains, eight hours sitting around in a field, …

: Escaping to the Midlands for a day at Greenbelt. Hoping to have some interesting random encounters …

: I have zero interest in cars but I know beauty when I see it.

: I’m reading that FAFO is seen as a threatening phrase, like “just try it, and see what …

: I just saw the headline “Epic Games Store Launches for iPhones in the EU” and although I …

: I just want to register my unease with prisons being filled up with people who’ve recently shown …

: For those who find Threads “a much nicer place”, may I direct your attention to the …

: Teetering on the edge of a #ShrimpJesus rabbithole

: Same as it ever was…

: Handy guide to the new (in 1969) automatic ticket barriers at Oxford Circus. flic.kr/p/2mQhzmB

: It was the best of times, it was absolutely the fucking worst of times. Thatcherism was just round …

: I scraped some numbers from the wayback machine captures of my twitter profile page to see what I …

: What was in my bag on October 12th 2008? flic.kr/p/5tqfgS By Chic Outlet Shopping on Flickr CC: …

: So Threads have introduced “insights” and turns out my followers are nearly two-thirds …

: tempus don’t half fugit

: My prescribed meds have been in short supply for a while, but because they’re a controlled …

: I got my ADHD diagnosis at age 55 a few years ago. Recognition has helped a lot, so has some …

: Why am I only just hearing about shrimp Jesus?

: The proof is not in the pudding. Please stop saying that it is.

: I remembered to upload some benches to openbenches.org and then fell into an openstreetmap rabbit …

: Sometimes, I’d really like to shout at people using the derogatory terms that we enjoyed so …

: All together now… youtu.be/VwcKwGS7O…

: There’s a twist to the radical inclusivity in my work that can be tricky for some people to …

: I’ve buttered about 15 pieces of bread. I haven’t cut them, so that people can choose for …

: Has anybody torn apart the false equivalencey that says these are just “protests” or just “riots” …

: .

: “But Lloyd, you don’t sound like you’re from Birmingham.” Well, firstly that …

: Oh god, another day of heartbreaking beauty…

: Sitting round a table at a men’s support group. I’d just got us all a coffee when three guys in …

: I just logged back in to last.fm for the first time in… oh, looks like nearly sixteen years. …

: I’ve spent the last couple of days binge re-watching “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” by Adam Curtis. …

: So does the 3D Print of my teeth go in “sentimental objects” with my 1978 woodwork project? Or in …

: Singles. (The least embarrassing ones…)

: I can’t shake the Mission Impossible vibe, like one of those dancers is going to turn out to be Tom …

: Aldous Huxley, born on this day 130 years ago, died on the same day in 1963 as JFK and CS Lewis. …

: England in July

: Tomorrow, (Friday 26th) to mark the 130th anniversary of his birth, I’m going to visit where …

: Wann startet Staffel 2 von „Kleo” auf Netflix? Heute! Keine Arbeit mehr!

: This diagram contains an important message that it’s easy to miss if you’re a person like me. The …

: Today, again, I shall mostly be observed muttering “righty-tighty, righty-tighty” but …

: I have no vote in the US presidential election, but I would prefer the “young woman of …

: My new desk surface is 72cm from the floor just like my old desk. It looks lower.

: Shhh. I’m counting…

: My fyp on Threads is now a horrible mix of Americans “wondering” about British pronunciation and …

: An incredibly small number of posts “will age well”. This is an ephemeral medium, so use it for the …

: I think it would be good if I started auto-deleting any e-mails that I receive which start “I …

: 1964 babies: Boomers or Gen X? An updated handy guide to people who (have) turn(ed) 60 this year. The correct order is: Michelle …

: I’ve made a “New Parliament’s Resolution” to write more regularly to my MP, …

: It’s going to take a while for me to get used to seeing headlines with the new Chancellor being …

: Spotted taking notes at Newspeak House

: UK Parliament Petitions On Hiatus You can’t petition the UK parliament online at the moment because new parliament and therefore …

: And ChatGPT says “Twitter began rendering mentions as links from its inception in 2006.” …

: A Q for Twitter historians: when did @-mentions first get officially recognised and rendered as …

: I hope that whoever is found to be responsibe for this get a more sensible judge than Roger Hallam …

: Strong crucifixion vibe - it’s martyrs all the way down.

: Ugh! Five years for organising non-violent protest - Zoom call was infiltrated by a Sun journalist …

: “for his wound” - over to you, Jungians!

: I’ve been lucky enough to listen to Audrey Tang twice this week. And so I’m luxuriating …

: Oops, I forgot that I had automatic cross-posting on and re-cross-posted myself accidentally. What …

: This guy though… flic.kr/p/2q4RPVY

: I’m in ur micro.blog, writing like nobody’s reading… again!

: I get that space is tight, but wouldn’t it be nice if posts of the type “I asked …

: I seem to have written this 14 years ago. Plus ca change… Let’s Fix The World! - a 21st …

: Just doing Sunday silly stuff, y’know.

: Hello micro.blog world. It me!